Inter Club Bowls Tournament

Oundle (B) team

A total of  six teams from Tennis, Rugby, Football clubs, Oundle Business Association and a pub team the ‘Tap tipplers’ took part against two teams from Oundle Bowling Club on the 24th July to compete for the Interclub Shield.

As usual prior to the start of the match , a ‘Spider’ competition was run for a bottle of bubbly. This year’s winner was Graham Snelling from the Rugby Club.

A great day with plenty of sunshine and light hearted competition was enjoyed by all who took part. Our bar was in full use for our thirsty visitors who also kept up their energy levels with Sally’s burger van providing hot food throughout the day.

The game was a round robin of 3 sets of six ends with teams swopping opponents after each set. Scoring was kept simple by awarding 1 point to the team who one an end with a maximum possible of 18 points per team.

Due to one team not being available at the last minute, a scratch team, consisting of two Oundle players and one Rugby Club player was put together. At the end of the game, team (Oundle B) came through with a total of 14 points to claim the shield.

All who took part said that they looked forward to competing again next year.
